Web & Business Advice and Services

We provide advice and services to conduct business either using or associated with the Internet. We've been assisting clients in Asia to think about their business and to use the Internet more effectively.

On this site we tell you a little about what we do but more about what we have found over the years. We point you to some of the companies we work with and explain why we work with them. Please note that if you click through to some of them we will get paid - we're a for-profit company and we do business with the companies that we recommend.

Tech Advice

Ever wondered why you might want to choose one hosting provider rather than another. For about ten years we've been working with hosting providers who cater for everything from telecom “five 9” dedicated space and server configurations to small business, individual, reseller and e-commerce sites. Click here for our explanations on which hosting providers we recommend in different cases and why.

Have you been trying to work with mixed MAC and PC environments or just wondered what software to use as a small and growing company, especially in Asia? Then go to our software advice to learn more about packages that work in a business environment.

Business Advice

We're also associated with organizations that provide business advice, such as how to build a sales distribution network in Asia and how to choose accounting software. Click here to read more about our business advice.


Together with some partners we assist companies with business and Internet related topics, including:

  • Writing webcopy for information and, e-commerce websites, including standalone sales page websites
  • Advising on how to present your business ideas on the Internet

Read more here about web copywriting services for your business.